Klasifikácia: 03.1
Council of Europe

Men and Violence Against Women : Proceedings for Seminar: Palais de l'Europe Strasbourg 7 - 8 October 1999. / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2000. - 175 s. - (; EG/SEM/VIO (99) 21)

Anotácia:  obsah:
I. Methodological and ethical issues
Sylvia Walby: Comparing methodologies used to study violence against women
Renate Klein - Anna Kwiatkowska: Representations of intimate male violence in the United States and Poland
Jalna Hanmer - Jeff Hearn: Gendering research on menďs violence to known women
II. Violence in the formation of gendered male identities
Carol Hagemann-White - Christiane Micus: Explaining the inclination to use violence
Ursula Müller: Explanations for male violence, psychoanalysis, feminist theory and the new menďs movement
Katarina Weinehall: Growing up in the proximity of violence: Teenagersď stories of violence in the home
Anca Dumitrescu - Elena Penteleiciuc: Teenage boys as violent actors in todayďs Romanian communities
Vera Gracheva: Socio-Economic Roots for Cases of Male Violence against Women in Russia
III. Transitions in adulthood and menďs violence
Uta Klein: The contribution of the military and military discourse to the construction of masculinity in society
Dubrovka Kocijan Hercigonja: Menďs violence against women and children in situations of armed conflict
Kirsten Staehr Johansen: The approach of the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe to the issue of gender-based violence (abstract)
Bridget Penhale: Older men and elder abuse
IV. Cross-cutting themes: media debates, costs of violence, implementation
Alberto Godenzi - Carrie Yodanis: Male violence: the economic costs
Celia Valiente: But where are the men? Central State public policies to combat violence against women in post-authoritarian Spain (1975-1999)
Helene Görtzen: Police methods to counteract violence against women
Bo Wagner Sorensen: Assumptions and implications: Notes on Greenlander men "in transition"
Renate Klein: Conclusions of the Seminar presented by the General Rapporteur
Kľúčové slová : 03.1
Poznámka:  prezenčne
Typ: Kniha - monografia (monografia) Signatúra: 2272 voľná

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